воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cmkm diamonds news

As Axl walked around in switch mode, the platoon of troops that had been chasing him were nearby.

Convinced they had lost Axl and oblivious he was nearby, the captain radioed in to update the commander.

"Sir. We saw Axl, but he ran off, and seems to have escaped. We canapos;t find any trace of him."


Maalis snarled, recalling his troops with a few commands to retreat for now, threw his computer. He stood, exiting the small outpost that was set up just on the main road into the city, a deep frown furrowed on his face as he attempted to bottle his rage.

He radioed back to his RD team as he stepped into the the armored jeep that would be taking him into the city and back to his office.

"I want my walker. Iapos;ll find those damned reploids myself."

Reploids just donapos;t disappear into thin air... The human thought to himself.

discontinued mikasa, cmkm diamonds news, cmkm diamonds inc., cmkm diamonds inc, cmkm diamonds 2005.

body shirk shop

She laughs with the tips of her fingers-
Wonders why she is the soft abdomen of your
Second-hand seashell. Arms fold in sand, her hair (is your hair)
In pedestrian moonlight- folding in yesterday between
Strands of brown and black.
It is mutualism, when she
Leaves you, shell intact:
Below your heart is space you keep for her.
But alone,
You are without moistened gills,
Without the weight you carry to keep her (keep you)�alive.
Born by the shore, she never moved inland;

You are too young,
(you will drown.)

claiming insurance, body shirk shop, body shingles, body shimmers, body shimmer stocking.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

contributes to katrina

Let me start off by apologizing for my lack of updates. �I�know I am new to this whole community so sorry for being absent

Things have been rather exciting around here the last few weeks. �I finally heard back from the job that I interviewed for and they
had went with another candidate. �Thatapos;s ok I guess because I am not certain I would have liked it anyway. �I am still in search of work
but still doing quite well on my savings.

Billy has officially moved in and I am actually taking care of him. �He just came home from the hospital a couple of days ago. �Things went south with his girlfriend (yes the amazon) and when he broke it off with her she beat the hell out of him.��As in beat him up. �His eye was swollen shut and he ended up breaking his wrist when he fell trying to avoid her.� Dunno if I�ever describe Mr Wilde physically but he must weigh all of 96 pounds so he really didnapos;t stand a chance.��She was arrested and we havenapos;t heard from her thankfully. �Billy and I had a great talk in the hospital (which was neat because itapos;s where we "met" for the first time) and he agreed to stop the drugs and get clean if I�took him in. �I�am all
for him improving himself and I am glad to be a part of it.

Things with Michele have been great. �We are really close but taking things at a safe pace.� Sheapos;s been talking about applying for a writing position in New York City thatapos;s she is excited about.� It would be a great opportunity but I�guess we would call it quits or do the long distance thing which I�have never been a fan off.

I hope you all are well and I look forward to catching up with you all soon.


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cat not eating and drinking

Today (saturday), me, paw, clara, and grace went to the National Museum for our homewrok in Anthropology. We walked a long walk before getting there (what the hell walked a long walk?)

then we paid 30 pesos each for our entrance fee. (buti na lang kuya gave me money. I didnapos;t know we were going there pala eh. The night before ko lang nalaman..so thre..)
clara was late so we told her to just go straight to the museum.

when we were there, we were really having fun

and i think the highlight of the day was when we (except clara coz sheapos;s late) went up the authentic ifugao house displayed in the garden portion of the museum. At first we donapos;t know if itapos;s ok to go up, but then we badly wanted to so we asked the person there. We were so happy nung sinabi na pwede pala. Haha.

we learned a whole lot about Philippine culture during our little tour. And the paintings were awesome

all in all, it was a fun saturday (kahit na ako lang mag-isa nag-take down notes at di man lang nagkusang magnotes ng sarili ang mga kasama ko..)

totally rely on my notes ang drama nila oh,well. Thatapos;s life.
cat not eating and drinking, cat not eating after surgery, cat not eating, cat not dogs.

die alright guitar tabs

I just need to vent somewhere. My friends, i dunno, they seem too wrapped up in their own lives, and are always saying to me about them, and never actually bothering to ask me how i am.
im not stressed with college, its just the little amount of time i have to myself, i hate it. If im not at college, im at work, if im not doing that, im doing errands.

dont even get me started on my emotions. Im like a rollercoaster at the moment. And its not just hormones, im usually fine, but lately, ive just been everywhere. And angeline saying things like, direct to my face is making me think even more negatively about myself. She is pointing out all my flaws. LIKE�I�DONT�KNOW�THEM�ALREADY. Canapos;t she somehow tell that something is up with me?

dadapos;s car has kinda blown up, well the radiator. So now, im having to walk EVERYWHERE. Im used to walking, but its just the fact that i have no choice now, like to phone my dad up and to ask him to pick me up from work or whatever. I have to walk in the pitch black. Its getting so dark, so early now.

you know when your just so down, you want to cry? like, put on the saddest song you can find? i wanna do that.
i wanna put fragile by delta goodrem on, loud, and just cry till i can cry no more. But i know if i do that, i wont be able to sleep.
maybe ill go make a cup of tea, i dunno.
i seriously hate being who i am, confidence and�looks�wise.�ARGHHH.

i dont know what i want to do.

die alright guitar tabs.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

batterham reuben

My best friend from Washington called me yesterday while I was in the shower. She left, on my message machine, the sweetest rendition of "happy birthday" Iapos;ve ever heard.

She ended it with a brisk, "Call me..."

I dialed her right away, and she immediately demanded to know if she was the first one to wish me happy birthday.

"Uh," I almost hated to take away the moment... "Youapos;re a month too early."

It was still thoughtful.

She WAS the very first.

airline poland flights reservations, batterham reuben, batterhams express, batteri, batteri ny thursday.


Thursday was an early day �- 9AM class but that was it. There was mix up in the schedule so the remainder of te morning was "off". We were all handed a worksheet and expected to do it but the majority of people dont do it. Laura and I went for a run to�Reagantapos;s park which was nice. We got back and ate lunch and then went to the library to do some work. We saw one of group members, Thurston. He is such a nice guy and he explained things with animated gestures via hands so I understood it better. I have to say it was a pretty productive time. Laura was meeting Sharon at 4 in the front lobby since they needed black t-shirts for field hockey. They have a game Saturday I am totally going to support my girls I am wicked excited. I actually have never seen a field hockey game before so it will be an experience. So after the trip into town, I came back and made some dinner. It was spaghetti with ground beef, spinach, mushrooms and spicy ragu It was extremely tasty and I have leftovers for tonight There was a talk at 715 that I wanted to hear. The speaker was John�Sheridan. He is an RVC alum and has had many experience owning and working in practices. So I thought that would be more worthwhile than breakdancing. Even though i did want to go. But I realized that even when I was at UMass, I never took advantage of talks and events that were put on by the school. So I will hopefully change that. It wasnt the greatest talk but wasnt the worst talk either. I wanted to ask questions later but never got a chance since people were taking forever asking their questions. I did become the VBMA (Veterinary Business Management Assoc) first year rep though. I feel like this would be a good networking thing for me. I feel like my true APO-ness is coming out. I have been volunteering for a lot lately. I am volunteering at an animal hospital to hand out drinks for their 75th anniversary opening or something rather. I also applied to volunteer at a student Warden for College Grove (which is where I live). It is kinda like being an RA but just on a bigger scale. Also with St. Johnapos;s Ambulance LINKs group, Iapos;ll probably try and volunteer when I can since itapos;s in my blood. Hehe~�
I was talking to Laura when we were running about going home. There is a winter ball on the 9th which isnt bad but it is 50 quid. Thats alot for a ball. I wouldnt even pay that much in America but I feel it will be one of the few events I will attend. The only problem is I do not know who is actually going since people want to head home earlier than that. So we will see. I was saving the 50 quid for my massage on my birthday since I have that damn qualifying exam that morning. It is pretty sweet since we get a 20 discount on everything at Chinalife. It is a Chinese therapy, massage, herbal type of store. I still cant believe that exam is on my birthday. I am hoping it will go okay - I mean I have to do okay or I wont go to 2nd year. Oy. Time will only tell.�
TGIF Friday is finally here I am taking a break tonight and relaxing and tomorrow night and Sunday I will work. I went running with Sharon this AM and my body just didnt want any part of it today. So it was mainly quick but that is okay. I will probably do calisthenics so I dont overwork my legs. Too much loadbearing (Sorry that was from class the other day... Yeah I am a loser) Class was at 10 and 11. I came to my room afterwards and had lunch. I did some rewriting of notes and organized a few lectures in my binder. For lunch I had a avocado, chicken and cheese sandwich toasted. (and yes Steven it was yummy). I am really digging the avocados (4 for 1 pound) - I cant even get that in the states So I am enjoying them now. Sharon, Laura, and I went into town. I wont lie, I got some beer. I figure, i would have it if we hung out and do taboo again which we probably will tonight. It seems to be the Friday night thing. I am going to bring Fluxx though and see how that goes. I do miss playing it with Renee and Heather though - and Renee is awesome since she got me the Fluxx. Hehe~ It is like the little piece of home... So I get to warm up my food soon so I am excited. I feel like I am eating all the time but I think that time just flies.�
Okay, so I just need to point this out since it annoyed me in lecture - why to people say X, Y, Zed?? Itapos;s Z Our lecturer today was trying to give us an example and she kept saying Zed instead of Z blah hehe~ sorry I just needed to add that.�
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